Thursday, August 7, 2008


Monday we did some sightseeing. We went to the museum of minatures. There were some amazing things there. On Wednesday the passports had arrived in Poltava. So here we go driving all the way back to Poltava about a 4 hour drive. We got there at 2:30 and had to wait until 5:30 for the only man with the stamp. Then we headed back to Keiv. Today, Thursday,WE ARE FINISHED!! First we had to be at the Embassy to get Stephen fingerprinted, then went to get their medicals, Stephen hadn't had an HIV test so they had to do that. Both children had to have vaccinations. Then we waited for the results of the HIV test. Then we hurried to the Embassy for our appointment. They talk to you for 5 minutes then you wait for an hour while they print the visas. It feels so good to have that done. Tomorrow we are going to the museum under the open sky.
For those that want to know we will be flying home Saturday August 9 Delta 97 arrives 8:11 pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome, we'll see you at the airport.

Eldie & David Howick