Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week Six
This is the last week of my photography class. I have learned so much and want to learn more. these are pictures taken during our family pumpkin carving contest.
f/5.6, 1/25, ISO 200
f/5.6, 1/10, ISO 200
f/5.6, 1/13, ISO 200
f/4.5, 1/320, ISO 400
Thanks Brooke for a great class.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 5
Natural Light Indoors
I loved using the light from my windows
Natural light and reflector
f/4.5, 1/8, ISO 200
The light is coming from the kitchen window and reflects off the white counter.
f/5, 1/160 ISO 200

f/5.3, 1/60, ISO 200
Couldn't decide which one was best for the assgnment.

Still Life
f/5.6, 1/13, ISO 200
Week 4
Natural Light
f/8, 1/250, ISO 200
I had a hard time getting a good picture. In a silhouette should you be able to see the detail of the girls jumping on the trampoline?
f/25, 1/30, ISO 200
Sara at the pumpkin patch.
How do I get the background to be more unfocused?
Do I need to a different lense?

f/5.6, 1/400, ISO 200
Megan at the pumpkin patch. I really like the backlight effect.

f/5.6, 1/400, ISO 200
She couldn't look directly at the light so I had her turn her head.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 3

This week was on composition,
f/4.5, 1/2500, ISO 400
This is of my daughter and three of her friends during a break at a dance convention. It was at the Zermatt in Midway. Outside there was a giant chess set. The day was very cloudy and rainy.
f/18, 1/60, ISO 400
I wanted to try the implied motion with the water.
f/22, 1/50, ISO 400
I wanted to catch the ripples in the water, and the reflections of the sky and trees.
Extra Picture
f/11, 1/800, ISO 400
The Chess Set
f/4.8, 1/640, ISO 200
Just a quick question about this picture, how could I have made this picture brighter so that I could have got the girls in back to show more. It was a very cloudy day, would bringing up the ISO to 400?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week Two

This weeks assignment took more thought and planning. But I enjoyed finding new ways to capture some awesome pictures.
f/25, 1/30, ISO 200
f/18, 1/60, ISO 200
The first picture of my dog, I couldn't get him in focus and get the background blurred.
The second is of my son's lacrosse game, the boy is in focus more but I don't know if the background is blurred enough.
Implying Action
f/32, 1/30, ISO 200
I wasn't quite sure that this is what implied action was to look like. It was fun to see the results.
Frozen Action

f/5, 1/1000, ISO 200
I had my daughter jump on the trampoline. I was hoping not to get the trampoline in the picture, oh well I can edit that out right? I like the second one best, but I almost cut her head off, woops. I found out that this kind of picture was easier to take than the others.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo Class Assignment 1

f5.6, shutter 1/2, ISO 200
f/22, shutter 1/30, ISO 200
f/11, shutter 1/200, ISO 400
Who Cares