Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life after Court

Well I guess you finally saw the pictures. The first one is a monument honoring National Dumpling Day. You can order any kind of dumpling you want. We tried to get Nadiya to sit in the spoon but she wouldn't. Nadiya's picture, Stephen's picture. Then all of us together. Then just the kids in their best right after they were approved to be ours. Stephen's named was to be spelled Stephan but it was misspelled on the documents and it is a headache to change it all so from now on it is spelled Stephen. Life after the court is rather boring, we have seen alot of sites but....even Nadiya has said "Let's go to America". she hasn't even been there but anything would be better then going to an art musuem. Bob and I enjoy the musuems but Nadiya get yelled at. We took Stephen back to the camp on Saturday, he was bored and he really didn't want to go to musuems, he wanted to say goodbye to his friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, the pictures are great. Congratulations, we are so happy for you. You are a wonderful family!! How interesting, a monument honoring dumplings – go figure?

The Howick’s