Saturday, July 26, 2008

We are still here!

We went to the Space and Areonatics Musuem. It was very interesting, it had parts from the Sputnik( russian satelite) It also had pictures and planes fromWorld War I and II. There was a large globe in the front of the exihibit, we were trying to show Nadiya how far we had to travel to get home. Our translator told the lady there that we were adopting Nadiya and taking her to America. The ladies eyes lit up and she told us thank you for taking care of their children. Then she said something to Nadiya in Ukrainian of course. It made Bob and I feel really good that we are making a difference in a couple of children's lives. We went to the library, don't bother going there, there are guards everywhere. You have to ask to look at any books and to check one out they have to copy your passport and it takes one month. Not a very friendly atmosphere. Alona told us they don't use the libraries very often, I know why. The circus was across the street in the park. (Of course it wasn't very well attend because they all live in one every day) It was one small tent, with everyone smoking, we decided not to bother. Then at 10:00 they shot off fireworks, right on the curb of the park. They were big ones too. We enjoyed them they were right outside our window, closest we have ever been to fireworks. Of course we missed Hannah Montana.(comment from the luggage) One month in a foreign country is a long time!

1 comment:

The Brent Milne Family said...

So what is your time frame from here on out? How much longer will you be there? Are you still in your 10 day waiting period? We love reading your blog. It makes us feel closer to it being our turn. Thanks, Lucinda